سياسات و اجراءات حجز اختبار PTE او الغاء أو تأجيل اختبار PTE Academic
الأحكام والشروط اخر تحديث 1/2/2023
هام: قد تختلف بروتوكولات الصحة والسلامة باختلاف مركز الاختبار و / أو المنطقة. يرجى الانتقال إلى صفحة الويب لتحديث Pearson VUE COVID-19 بشكل متكرر وفي اليوم السابق للاختبار لمراجعة أحدث سياسات التطعيم وأقنعة الوجه وتدابير الصحة والسلامة الأخرى المطلوبة في مركز الاختبار الخاص بك.
من خلال تحديد موعد الاختبار الخاص بك ، فإنك توافق على الامتثال لهذه المتطلبات. سيُطلب منك الإقرار بهذه الشروط والمتطلبات عند وصولك إلى مركز الاختبار.
أهم النصائح والاجراءات المتبعة لكل PTE Test Takers قبل حجز الاختبار ؟
1- مهم التسجيل وانشاء حساب رسمي من خلال مركز التسجيل المعتمده للمزيد يمكنكم التواصل واتس
2- الوصول قبل موعد الاختبار بساعه علي الاقل , لان التأخير يسبب عدم دخول الاختبار.
3- مهم جدا تقديم الهوية الحكومية وهي ( البطاقة الشخصية / او جواز السفر )
4- التأكد من أن الاسم الأول والاسم الاخير المسجل بحساب / أكونت الاختبار مطابق للهوية الحكومية .
5- اي متعلقات شخصية لا يتم الدخول بها لقاعة الاختبار .
6- سيتم تسليم الطلاب نوتة و قلم .
7- سياسة اعادة جدول موعد الاختبار Re-schedule Policy
- يمكنك اعادة جدولة الاختبار في أي وقت قبل ٨ أيام من قبل الاختبار بيتم دفع ٥٠٪
- لو استرداد بيتم استرداد ٥٠٪
- لو قبل ١٤ يوم من تاريخ الاختبار يمكنك اعاده جدوله الاختبار مجانا / او سحب المبلغ كامل مجانا
Cancellation Policy
Please note that there are timelines and fees applicable to these changes:
- If you decide not to take the PTE Academic test after making your booking, you have up to 14 full calendar days before your test date to claim a full refund.
- If you cancel the test, with less than 14 calendar days, but at least 7 full calendar days before your test date you will receive a partial refund (50% of the test fee paid).
- If you reschedule the test, with less than 14 calendar days, but at least 7 full calendar days before your test date you will pay 50% of the test fee.
- If you reschedule the test less than 7 days before the test date you will be required to pay the full test fee.
- No refunds will be provided on cancelling test less than 7 calendar days before the test date.
Admission Policy
On Test Day
We know that any test can be a stressful experience, but you can reduce your anxiety for PTE Academic by successful preparation and learning what to expect on test day.
Be on Time
- We urge you to arrive 30 minutes before the start time of your test. On arrival you will need to complete the necessary sign-in procedures. Additional rules and instructions are also given before the start of the test.
- If you are late you may be denied entry to the test center and your test fee will not be refunded.
Bring Correct Identification
- You must provide your valid, non-expired ID to sit for PTE Academic. Please note, that passport is the only acceptable form of ID in most countries.
- The name on your ID must exactly match the name used when booking the test.
- If you do not have your passport due to an ongoing visa application, you will need to request it back in order to present on the day of your test.
- If you do not have a passport, please review the ID requirements as you may be able to provide an alternative form of identification. Learn more.
- For security reasons, non-matching or expired ID will prohibit entry to the test center. Test takers that fail to provide acceptable ID, or ID that matches their booking, will be turned away at the test center and will forfeit their test fee.
At the Test Centre
- You must read and agree to the ‘PTE Academic Test Taker Rules Agreement’ which will be provided to you when you arrive at the test center.
- The Test Administrator will check your identification and take your photograph, palm vein scan and signature.
- We kindly remind you that personal items are not allowed into the testing room including bags, books, notes, mobile phones, pagers, laptops or other personal computers, wallets and watches or any other jewellery thicker than ¼ inch (1/2 cm). However, we do provide secure, locker storage outside of the testing room.
- While at the test centre, please abide by the test centre rules and any instructions given by the Test Administrator. Failure to comply may result in your appointment being ended early, cancelation of your results, and/or forfeiture of your test fee
- It is for each test taker to decide if they wish to wear a mask. However, Pearson recommends that masks are not worn for the duration of the PTE Academic test as any distortion of the sound may impact your speaking score.
Re-schedule Policy
Rescheduling or Cancelling Your Test
If your plan or availability changes, you may reschedule or cancel your appointment at any time. We highly recommend that you do this as soon as possible to reduce the cancellation fee.
The easiest way to cancel or reschedule your test is online, by signing into your My PTE account at www.pearsonpte.com. You may also reach us by phone: Contact us
To reschedule/cancel your test online:
- Sign into your account with your username and password.
- Once you have successfully logged in click on ‘Reschedule’ or ‘Cancel’ next to the appointment.
- You will receive an email confirming the change to your test booking.
Scheduling Policy:
- We would like you to be aware that you will forfeit your test fee in the event that you must reschedule or cancel your test within 7 days of your test appointment. Exceptions are made only on a case-by-case basis, with proper documentation.
- Test rescheduling and cancellation policies, and associated fees are outlined in the PTE Academic Handbook.
- Pearson is not responsible for expenses incurred beyond the cost of the exam, including, but not limited to: travel expenses and/or lost wages on the day of the exam.
Cancellation Policy
Please note that there are timelines and fees applicable to these changes:
- If you decide not to take the PTE Academic test after making your booking, you have up to 14 full calendar days before your test date to claim a full refund.
- If you cancel the test, with less than 14 calendar days, but at least 7 full calendar days before your test date you will receive a partial refund (50% of the test fee paid).
- If you reschedule the test, with less than 14 calendar days, but at least 7 full calendar days before your test date you will pay 50% of the test fee.
- If you reschedule the test less than 7 days before the test date you will be required to pay the full test fee.
- No refunds will be provided on cancelling test less than 7 calendar days before the test date.
Note: The cancellation and reschedule policy does not include your test date.