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ما هي الدرجه المطلوبه لاختبار PTE للجامعات What is your desired score?

What is your desired score?

What score do I need?

Each institution chooses how to set their scores. Typically, you will need to achieve the following minimum scores:

* Foundation courses: minimum score of between 36–50

* Undergraduate degrees: minimum score of between 51–60

* Postgraduate degrees: minimum score between of 57–67

To find out the minimum score requirement at your chosen institution, check their website.

For visa applications, view our minimum required score guides for Australian visas, UK visas, and New Zealand visas.

اختبار PTE Academic متوفر في أكثر من 400 مركز اختبارات بيرسون حول العالم
ومتوفر بأكثر من 110 دوله حول العالم ، الاختبار مقبول دوليا كأختبار لغة انجليزية دولي لقياس كفاءة اللغة الانجليزية حول العالم لمختلف الدول
Expanding test centre Network
+ 400 Test Centres Worldwide
+ 110 PTE Academic Centres are located Countries worldwide

For more information
GrowSkills Official PTE Test Registration Centre


All the best for your bright future 🙂

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